Вакансия: GR manager (фармацевтическая компания) в Москва

Полное описание вакансии: GR manager (фармацевтическая компания) в Москва

ID Название вакансии Город Компания От До Валюта Тип вакансии Дата и время публикации вакансии Роль
2074479 GR manager (фармацевтическая компания) Москва > Alta Personnel 400000 RUR open 2024-11-28
Необходимые навыки
  • > Английский язык
  • > Деловая коммуникация
  • > Government Relations
  • > Взаимодействие со СМИ
  • > Public Relations
  • > GR

Higher education in political science, public administration, public relations, public communications, sociology, law or healthcare. Experience in government relations, public...


The implementation of official communication between the company and regulatory authorities ensures the partial formation of the company's positions...


Large pharmaceutical compony is looking for GR partner

Key responsibilities:

  • The implementation of official communication between the company and regulatory authorities ensures the partial formation of the company's positions on relevant requests

  • Provides support in terms of developing a GR strategy, forming a stakeholder profile and forming the company's key positions in policy areas

  • GR support for business teams and federal access managers in terms of organizing meetings and conducting official communications with key government stakeholders

  • Support of the policy team in terms of mapping of key stakeholders and public events and platforms (working groups, congresses, round tables, etc.), as well as implementation of preparation of events and public presentations (collection of agendas and proposals, organization of meetings with organizers, etc.)

  • Works with leaders of government and industry councils and lobbyists to influence public policy, monitor government initiatives and advocate for specific plans to advance the company’s objectives

  • Higher education in political science, public administration, public relations, public communications, sociology, law or healthcare
  • Experience in government relations, public relations or access of medicines and medical devices to the market - at least 2 years on healthcare inductry
  • Experience in building, managing and protecting the company's reputation, including in times of crisis and change
  • Knowledge and understanding of the state structure of the Russian Federation, healthcare regulation, financing and medical care, ensuring the availability of drugs on the market.
  • Knowledge of trends and best practices in interaction with government agencies in the healthcare sector.
  • English proficiency level: above average (Upper Intermediate and above): oral and written;
