Вакансия: Trader at crypto market-making company в Казань

Полное описание вакансии: Trader at crypto market-making company в Казань

ID Название вакансии Город Компания От До Валюта Тип вакансии Дата и время публикации вакансии Роль
1504681 Trader at crypto market-making company Казань > Mids.capital 150000 200000 RUR open 2024-06-07
Необходимые навыки
  • > Python
  • > SQL
  • > Английский язык
  • > trading

You have to speak English.


To be part of mids.capital trading desk team and provide market-making service for clients. You will do the following...


To be part of mids.capital trading desk team and provide market-making service for clients.

You will do the following:

  • Trading bots control
  • Strategy execution
  • Performance reports
  • Statistical research

From you we expect

  • You have to speak English
  • We will check how good you are at Python & SQL for start
  • Financial markets should interest you the most
  • We will be happy to see someone with a math background

What we offer

  • Remote
  • 2/2 12 hours shifts
  • Paid in USDT
  • Fast career growth

If you read to the end, pls attach a short covering letter on how you would like to succeed in life.
